'Bebe Coreen en Costume de Ceremonie, Seoul' (Korean Baby in Ceremonial Costume, Korea
This vibrant print depicts a Korean baby in ceremonial dress. It measures 18.5" x 14.25", including the margins. It bears Jacoulet's seals and name, along with its title, and a number of pencil markings on the backside as can be seen in the photos. This print was carved by Kentaro Maeda, and printed by Fusakichi Ogawa in 1934. It is in very good condition with excellent color. The margins are complete, with fold lines and some paper creases. This French artist Paul Jacoulet, grew up in Japan. He was tutored by master Japanese artists, becoming one of the few non-Japanese artists to master the art of ukiyo-e, Japanese woodblock printing. Jacoulet took this traditional Japanese art form to unparalleled levels of technical proficiency, adding a richness of color palette, printing effects, and exquisitely detailed line that few if any Japanese wood-block artists have been able to achieve. During the late 1920s and 1930s, Jacoulet traveled extensively throughout the islands of Micronesia, as well as making numerous trips to China, Korea, and his adopted country of Japan. The 166 woodblock subjects he produced during his lifetime concentrated on portraits of the indigenous peoples of Asia and the South Seas. P80639
Paul Jacoulet (1902-1960) 'Bebe Coreen en Costume de Ceremonie, Seoul'
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