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'Bamboo Wood'

This woodblock print depicts a bamboo grove, with a hen and her brood of chicks pecking at the ground. There is a hilly landscape in the distance as one peers through the grove of trees. This print is a classic example of Hiroshi Yoshida's mastery of the shin hanga movement and his ability to capture the essence of beauty in the simplest of scenes. The colors are superb with soft mossy greens dominating the print. This print was first published in 1939. This edition is sealed with Yoshida's Japanese cipher and seal, along with the title of the print in Kanji script in the left margin, and as per Yoshida's standard the title and his name are noted in English in the lower margin in pencil. This edition dates to the 1940s. It is in excellent condition with generalized toning. The print measures 15.25" x 10.5" and is archivally-matted in an ivory mat and framed in a black frame measuring 18.75" x 14.75".

P20046             $895.00

Hiroshi Yoshida (1876-1950) 'Bamboo Wood'

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